Academic ambience of THE SCHOLAR


THE SCHOLAR designs and implements its own skills and activities based upon human resource development. In the transient phase of the world, we need something very concrete and tangible so that we could cater to the needs of modern society depicting it with every single tenet of education and character building which we believe as a family will do and talk a lot.

Hence we follow the tier-system of making plans and implementing them so as to transact lessons to our learners. We have the ACADEMIC COUNCIL at the pivot of educational design and formulation of educational policies. It is headed by the dynamic personality of our Principal who is ably supported and helped by a band of teachers who hold different important posts as in charges and deliver as a team to create a stress-free environment for the learners.

Ours is an ICSE School which adheres its allegiance to the CISCE, New Delhi and we follow ICSE curriculum, strategy and evaluation system which make us learner-friendly and help us achieve our goal and purpose in life.