From the Pen of one of the Mentors of THE SCHOLAR

slampur Welfare Educational Society (S/IL/1583 ) : The Force Behind

“As the eternal lights glows on, we pledge ourselves with renewed and redoubled vigour to carry the mantle of education forward and reinvigorate our society to take up the challenges of ever-changing world.”

These were the very words that surfaced the meeting of a band of education-lovers of Islampur who formed Islampur Welfare Educational Society (IWES) in the year 2000 and immediately put themselves to the noble task of promoting education to ensure a prosperous present and glorious future for Islampur. True to these words above, the IWES laid the foundation of THE SCHOLAR, now a recognized ICSE School in the vicinity of Islampur on 2nd May 2001 and since then there has been steady march of moving ahead.

The IWES is a nonprofit and non-proprietary educational body that emphasizes on education to make THE SCHOLAR an educational institution of the 21st century and make its unique presence felt as a premiere educational institution that caters to the needs for all round development of students. The honourable members of the IWES proudly feel that they took the initiative of laying the foundation stone of an School at a place where education through medium of English was a dream. But with the passage of time THE SCHOLAR became a reality and became a trusted name in the field of education, in Islampur. The IWES believes that learning in the school is viewed as an exclusive privilege which is not limited only to gaining knowledge but also to developing life-skills and moulding young minds and shaping bold characters.

Debashis Chakraborty

Director, The SCHOLAR