Learning by Doing at THE SCHOLAR


Physics Laboratory

Physics is an experimental science. The theoretical concepts and relationships introduced in the lecture part of the course describe the general nature and behaviour of real phenomena. They were, appropriately, discovered by (or inducted from) careful observation and thoughtful analysis of actual experiments. Thus laboratory provides an experimental foundation for the theoretical concepts introduced in the lectures. It is important that the students have an opportunity to verify some fo the ideas for themselves. The laboratory exposure is not a contest whose object is to get the 'right answer'. The purpose is to learn how to gain knowledge by looking at reality, not an attempt to make reality conform to preconceptions. The important thing is to learn how to be observant, to really see what happens, and to deal with this information with the strictest integrity. And to understand, or learn to understand, the meaning of what happens.

Chemistry Laboratory

Chemistry is an experimental Science and the facts and theories that are its foundation have come from many years of experimentation. The study of Chemistry practical not only trains the students in handling complicated instruments but also disciplines them in the Scientific method. It inculcates in them a scientific attitude. The aim of serious laboratory work will help in developing in young students a sense of discipline, dedication, perseverance and reverence for experiment work. We hope that Chemistry practical classes form a integral part of the students.

Biology Laboratory

To expose our children to the real and practical world of life science we have our Biology Laboratory. Here we give our children the scope to acquire the practical knowledge of what they learn theoretically in the class.

With State-of-the Art technology, microscopes, clay and plastic models, charts, electronic models, permanent slides, bottles specimens and many more kits we provide the most enriching learning experience of the biological world. Since this is the first practical exposure of the children in the field of Biology we have experienced and competent teachers to guide our children to the world of life science. We also provide Field-trips/Study tours to our children to gain first hand experience of life on earth.

Computer Laboratory

Computers have revolutionized teaching methods making learning proactive and interactive. THE SCHOLAR provides best facilities for the students under the expert supervision of computer teachers making education useful and enjoyable.