The faculty of Teachers at THE SCHOLAR comprises dynamic, creative and compassionate individuals hailing from different parts of our state. Together they focus on caring and nurturing proud future citizens of our country and the world as globalization has removed all the mundane barriers that separate countries internationally through various lines.

Keeping tune with the fast pace of progress and development of the world at large, our teachers lay focus on traditional as well as modern aspects of education that help to build a bridge between the bygone days and the modern time.

We stress on creating an ambience of education that is inclusive including children, parents and teachers. Our teachers are accessible to our parents through individual interactions and PTMs scheduled at conducive intervals in the premises of the school.

There is provision for training of our teachers at regular intervals to equip them with the latest and from Montessori to Secondary sections they dissipate education to their learners as per the needs and demands of situations. They are greatly helped by various sources like Library, Laboratories, audio-visual aids and internet accessabilities.

We arrange Orientation and Training Programmes for our teachers so that they are kept in touch with the latest of pedagogy. In the ever changing world of education our teachers try their best to reach to our students with all possible pastoral and parental care. They hold sessions with boys and girls and groom them with all the characteristic traits of life, prepare them for all the physical and psychological changes they undergo and help them understand everything. Our dream is to develop compassionate, world citizens who would hold the mantle of leadership in future.