General Rules

  1. All are expected to speak English in the school premises.
  2. Use diary as a medium to communicate with the school.
  3. All children are expected to bring the tiffin with them or avail canteen supply
  4. Students shouldn't bring ornaments and unwanted materials into the school premises.
  5. Belongings (water bottle, school bag, tiffin box etc) should bear the name of the students.
  6. No chewing gum is allowed within the school.
  7. Answer scripts of half yearly examination will be shown to the respected parents after evaluation.
  8. Students must attend compulsorily all function and co-curricular activities. In case of absence on such important occasions, the school should be properly intimated.
  9. Parents must ensure that their wards reach school on time. Students habitually coming late to school may be sent back home. Further if the child continues coming late, school will take appropriate disciplinary action.
  10. Promotion will not be granted if the overall attendance in class is below 75% however, on grounds of serious illness another 10% relaxation may be considered. But under no circumstances students below 65% attendance will obtain promotion according to the rules of the council.
  11. Whenever special classes are conducted, students must attend them. The school will send notification through the diary and if your ward remains absents, a medical certificate must be produced.
  12. Students who are selected for co-curricular activities and games and sports must attend regular practice / rehearsal as per the scheduled notification and must participate on the final day. In case a student is unable to attend due to unavoidable circumstance, the parents must give written explanation to the principal one day before or well in advance.
  13. Students must be in their complete and correct school uniform home to school and back on all regular school days. Special days, and also when the students represent the school at external functions and games.
  14. Student should arrive at the school at least 15 minutes before the assembly. Soon after the assembly bell the school gate will be locked.
  15. Change of address must be immediately informed to the school through the diary.
  16. Students must address their teachers and all members of the staff, with due respect and politeness.
  17. The school authority reserves the right to change the school timings.
  18. Monthly fees has to be paid before 7th of every month beyond which a fine of Rs. 25/- has to be paid till 14th of each month. Beyond this will be doubled.
  19. The office remains open during 9.30 A.M. to 12.30. P.M & 1.00 – 2.00 P.M on working days only.
  20. For play Group to Class-IV, Saturday is holiday.
  21. The school reserves the right to attend to change or introduce any rules and regulations.
  22. Parents are expected to attend open House sessions. Other than the parents and guardians, no other person will be entertained.
  23. No pupil may leave the school premises without the permission of the House Master/House Mistress during the school hours.
  24. The rules declared at the end of the year is final and cannot be re-considered.
  25. Kindly don't call unless there is an emergency.
  26. No Mobile/cellphone is allowed in the school premises.