Our methodologies & Evaluation Strategies



Our Methodologies are manifold. They encompass various ways which cater to the needs of our children who are greatly benefitted both individually and collectively.

Our main motto is to make teaching and learning more meaningful with special emphasis being put on child-centered approach. The children of THE SCHOLAR use their learning and knowledge to face the challenges of fast-changing world. In the process they develop their skill and applicability and get groomed as impeccable individuals with special traits imbibed in themselves.

Our School's academic curricula help greatly in materializing the dreams of our learners. We continuously guide our children to come up with innovative ideas, positive thinking and consequently use the required knowledge and their learning in worldly situations.

Evaluation Strategies

Our Evaluation System does not only focus on academic aspect of the child's development. Rather it lays stress on comprehensive and continuous assessment because it helps make a complete individual with a balanced personality. As we believe, education is also about character building. This system includes a student's academic achievements, co-curricular, personal and social attitudes, values, qualities and interests. Its strategy allows children and their parents to know about their exherent and inherent qualities better which will later unfurl and win world-wide recognition. We conduct periodic examinations and give our students exposure to TALENT SEARCH EXAMINATIONS as well.